These were recorded at Christ’s Center Church in Junction City, OR, where I work as the Associate [to the] Pastor. More to come…

“Scubala:” The Apostle Paul Goes UNCENSORED in Philippians 3
You would swear, too, if you found out you had wasted so much time…

Easter Sermon: What Redemption Actually Means
And why Hosea understood it seven hundred years earlier…

The Forgotten Drama of Palm Sunday
What did the crowd mean when they shouted “Hosanna”? Why did they throw their coats down? And what’s up with the Donkey? Was this a worship service or a political pep rally?

Pssst: It’s not that Complicated
Love is not easy, but thankfully, it’s pretty straight forward.

Leaving Roman’s Seven
My Anti Spiritual Defeatism manifesto. Romans 7 was never intended to be the benchmark for the Christian life. This sermon includes the audio from this video, The Church of Romans 7.

Context is King
An easy introduction into how to read the bible, and how NOT to. (Hint: it’s not about what it means to YOU…)

God the Legalist
People think the law of God and the love of God are two vastly different things, and they end up painting God as an arbitrary legalist. But the truth is far, far different!

Faith in the Waves
We all have ups and downs, but to what extend should circumstances dictate our outlook on life? (This was a personal one for me…)

“I will change my mind.”
Do our prayers matter? I mean really matter, apart form bringing us closer to God? Do they have any affect on an outcome?